
Timeout! The Importance of Downtime for Youth Sports Families

Over the past 10 days, you didn't find me on the court because Sandrine, Saskia, James, Jeremy, and I decided to take some well-deserved downtime.

We used this break to visit our families in France and Switzerland, spending some short time time with every member of our respective families. Family matters were our top priority during this period. However, our downtime wasn't entirely family-focused. We also devoted a considerable amount of time to work-related tasks, such as organising matches for the teams and planning the next competition and events. Admittedly, it wasn't the most relaxing holiday.

Looking ahead, I am determined to make my next holiday a different experience. My goal is to completely disconnect from work, explore new horizons, and immerse myself in different cultures. I yearn to see the skyscrapers of New York and the temples in Kyoto, Japan. The main objective will be to forget about work entirely and focus solely on enriching experiences.

Taking a break from sports is equally crucial; a timeout is necessary. It's easy to get caught up in constant activities, taking on additional training or work, but it's vital to allow ourselves time to recover. Even for athletes, stepping away from the routine occasionally is essential for physical and mental rejuvenation. When they return after a brief respite, they often approach their sport with a refreshed mindset and renewed vigor. Muscles get a chance to repair, and the mind can reset, leading to improved performance. This philosophy extends to coaches as well. When feeling exhausted and burned out, it's critical to step away completely, not just partially. A true 100% break is what's needed for genuine revitalisation. After your break, you migh return a bit rusty physically, but mentally, you will feel rejuvenated.

Regrettably, like Sandrine and I, many families struggle to find quality family time due to the demands of work, sports and life in general. The constant running around, commitments, and kids club acitivities can leave little room for family dinners and meaningful conversations. To ensure the well-being of our families, we must occasionally say "enough" and create lasting memories outside of sports.

Finding time away doesn't always necessitate far-off travels; it simply requires the courage to disconnect from the usual routine and recharge. While going to New York could proivde us with an amazing escape, a local camping spot or a weekend spent with family can be just as rejuvenating. Sometimes, our dedication to sports/work can lead to us being overcommitted, but it's crucial to assert, "Not this weekend. This weekend is for us."

Remember, if the world's best athletes can take time off, so can we. With proper planning, open communication and a proactive approach, you can enjoy a well-deserved break.

See you soon on court !
